Respectful of Users. Meaningful to Brands.
Profiles do not leak
any consumer data.
Profiles and matching
can be audited by brands.
Brand-to-profile matching
is open-source.

Fit Scores to match any audience targeting.
When an Agent adresses a shopping-related query, the Moojo SDK connects with the consumer-owned identity to match it with segmented offers from brands.
While keeping user identity fully private.

Private Consumer Identities for Commerce AI-agents
Private Identity Layer for AI.
Integrate Moojo SDK with your shopping Agent.

Fit Score to match any audience targeting.
When an Agent adresses a shopping-related query, the Moojo SDK connects with the consumer-owned identity to match it with segmented offers from brands.
While keeping user identity fully private.
Respectful of Users. Meaningful to Brands.
Profiles do not leak any consumer data.

Profiles and matching can be audited by brands.

Brand-to-profile matching is open-source.

Private Consumer Identities for Commerce AI-agents

Private Consumer Identities for Commerce AI-agents

Moojo Identities help brands increase LTV.
See in Action
Powered by dynamic and fully private consumers identities, your agent can deliver more relevant recommendations, ensuring more impactful engagements and higher LTV.

Works with any AI agent platform

What do consumers expect of generative AI-Agents?
say personal data protection is important when using conversational AI tools.
want to know what's behind purchase recommendations from conversational AI tool.
85% of consumers
say it is important for conversational AI advisors to recognize them and remember their preferences.
78% of consumers
81% of consumers
Private Consumer Identity for AI
Integrate Moojo SDK with your shopping agent.
How it works

Powered by dynamic and fully private consumers identities, your agent can deliver more relevant recommendations, ensuring more impactful engagements and higher LTV.
Moojo Identities help brands increase LTV.

conversion cost
revenue generated
Key results using Moojo identity vs Meta.
conversion cost
revenue generated
ROI Improvement
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